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Thursday 25 August 2011

Astronomical Optics Second Edition By DANIEL J. SCHROEDER free download

 Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1. A Bit of History
1.2. Approach to Subject
1.3. Outline of Book
Chapter 2 Preliminaries: Definitions and Paraxial Optics
2.1. Sign Conventions
2.2. Paraxial Equation for Refraction
2.3. Paraxial Equation for Reflection
2.4. Two-Surface Refracting Elements
2.5. Two-Mirror Telescopes
2.6. Stops and Pupils
2.7. Concluding Remarks
Chapter 3 Fermat's Principle: An Introduction
3.1. Fermat's Principle in General
3.2. Fermat's Principle and Refracting Surfaces
3.3. Wave Interpretation of Fermat's Principle
3.4. Fermat's Principle and Reflecting Surfaces
3.5. Conic Sections
3.6. Fermat's Principle and the Atmosphere
3.7. Concluding Remarks
Chapter 4 Introduction to Aberrations
4.1. Reflecting Conies and Focal Length
4.2. Spherical Aberration
4.3. Reflecting Conies and Finite Object Distance
4.4. Off-Axis Aberrations
4.5. Aberration Compensation
Chapter 5 Fermat's Principle and Aberrations
5.1. Application to Surface of Revolution
5.2. Evaluation of Aberration Coefficients
5.3. Ray and Wavefront Aberrations
5.4. Summary of Aberration Results, Stop at Surface
5.5. Aberrations for Displaced Stop
5.6. Aberrations for Multisurface Systems
5.7. Curvature of Field
5.8. Aberrations for Decentered Pupil
5.9. Concluding Remarks
Appendix A: Comparison with Seidel Theory
Chapter 6 Reflecting Telescopes
6.1. Paraboloid
6.2. Two-Mirror Telescopes
6.3. Alignment Errors in Two-Mirror Telescopes
6.4. Three-Mirror Telescopes
6.5. Four-Mirror Telescopes
6.6. Concluding Remarks
Chapter 7 Schmidt Telescopes and Cameras
7.1. General Schmidt Configuration
7.2. Characteristics of Aspheric Plate
7.3. Schmidt Telescope Example
7.4. Achromatic Schmidt Telescope
7.5. Solid- and Semisolid-Schmidt Cameras
Chapter 8 Catadioptric Telescopes and Cameras
8.1. Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescopes
8.2. Cameras with Meniscus Correctors
8.3. All-Reflecting Wide-Field Systems
Chapter 9 Auxiliary Optics for Telescopes
9.1. Field Lenses, Flatteners
9.2. Prime Focus Correctors
9.3. Cassegrain Focus Correctors
9.4. Cassegrain Focal Reducers
9.5. Atmospheric Dispersion Correctors
9.6. Fiber Optics
Chapter 10 Diffraction Theory and Aberrations
10.1. Huygens-Fresnel Principle
10.2. Perfect Image: Circular Aperture
10.3. The Near Perfect Image
10.4. Comparison: Geometric Aberrations and the Diffraction Limit
10.5. Diffraction Integrals and Fourier Theory
Chapter 11 Transfer Functions; Hubble Space Telescope
11.1. Transfer Functions and Image Characteristics
11.2. Hubble Space Telescope, Prelaunch Expectations
11.3. Hubble Space Telescope, Postlaunch Reality
11.4. Concluding Remarks
Chapter 12 Spectrometry: Definitions and Basic Principles
12.1. Introduction and Definitions
12.2. Slit Spectrometers
12.3. Fiber-Fed Spectrometers
12.4. Slitless Spectrometers
12.5. Spectrometers in Diffraction Limit
Chapter 13 Dispersing Elements and Systems
13.1. Dispersing Prism
13.2. Diffraction Grating; Basic Relations
13.3. Echelles
13.4. Grating Efficiency
13.5. Fabry-Perot Interferometer
13.6. Fourier Transform Spectrometer
13.7. Concluding Remarks
Chapter 14 Grating Aberrations; Concave Grating Spectrometers
14.1. Application of Fermat's Principle to Grating Surface
14.2. Grating Aberrations
14.3. Concave Grating Mountings
Chapter 15 Plane Grating Spectrometers
15.1. All-Reflecting Spectrometers
15.2. Pixel Matching
15.3. Fast Spectrometers
15.4. Fiber-Fed Spectrometers
15.5. Echelle Spectrometers
15.6. Nonobjective Slitless Spectrometers
15.7. Concluding Remarks
Chapter 16 Adaptive Optics: An Introduction
16.1. Effects of Atmospheric Turbulence
16.2. Correction of Wavefront Distortion
16.3. Adaptive Optics: Systems and Components
16.4. Concluding Remarks
Chapter 17 Detectors, Signal-to-Noise, and Detection Limits
17.1. Detector Characteristics
17.2. Signal-to-Noise Ratio
17.3. Detection Limits and Signal-to-Noise Ratio
17.4. Detection Limits: Stellar Photometry
17.5. Detection Limits: Spectroscopy
Chapter 18 Large Mirrors and Telescope Arrays
18.1. Large Mirrors
18.2. Telescope Arrays; Interferometers

Monday 22 August 2011

QUANTUM OPTICS By D.F.Walls, G.J.Milburn free download

Introduction to Electrodynamics By David J. Griffiths free download

Concepts in Theoretical Physics By Ben Simons free download

Collective Excitations: From Particles to Fields  
Free Scalar Field Theory: Phonons ...................... 1 
1.1.1 Classical Chain ............................. 2 
1.1.2 Quantum Chain ............................. 8 
tQuantum Electrodynamics .......................... 10 
Problem Set ................................... 13 
1.3.1 Questions on Collective Modes and Field Theories .......... 13 
1.3.2 Answers ................................. 15 
Second Quantisation 
Notations and Definitions ........................... 19 
Applications of Second Quantisation ..................... 25 
2.2.1 Phonons ................................. 26 
2.2.2 Interacting Electron Gas ........................ 26 
2.2.3 Tight-Binding and the Mott-Hubbard Insulators ........... 28 
2.2.4 tMott-Insulators and the Magnetic State ............... 32 
2.2.5 Spin Waves ............................... 36 
2.2.6 tHeisenberg Antiferromagnet ...................... 38 
2.2.7 tDilute Bose Gas: Bogoluibov Theory ................. 40 
2.2.8 tElectron-Phonon Interaction ..................... 43 
Problem Set ................................... 46 
2.3.1 Questions on the Second Quantisation ................ 46 
2.3.2 Answers ................................. 52 
Feynman Path Integral 59 
3.1 The Path Integral - General Formalism .................... 59 
3.1.1 Construction of the Path Integral ................... 60 
3.1.2 Path Integral and Statistical Mechanics ................ 66 
3.1.3 Path Integral and Classical Mechanics: Semiclassics ......... 69 
3.1.4 Summary ................................ 72 
3.2 Applications of the Feynman Path Integral .................. 73 
3.2.1 Quantum Particle in a Well ...................... 74 
3.2.2 Double Well Potential: Tunnelling and Instantons .......... 76 
3.2.3 Unstable States and Bounces: False Vacuum ............. 83 
3.2.4 tPath Integral for Spin: Topological Terms in Field Theory ..... 84 
Concepts in Theoretical Physics 
3.2.5 ISecurity Derivatives and the Principles of Finance ......... 93 
3.3 Appendix: Gaussian Integrals ......................... 96 
3.3.1 One-dimensional Gaussian integrals .................. 96 
3.3.2 Gaussian integration in more than one dimension .......... 97 
3.3.3 Gaussian Functional Integration .................... 99 
3.3.4 Grassmann Gaussian Integration ................... 100 
3.4 Problem Set ................................... 103 
3.4.1 Questions on the Feynman Path Integral ............... 103 
3.4.2 Answers ................................. 110 
Functional Field Theory 119 
4.1 Construction of the Many-Body Path Integral ................ 120 
4.1.1 Coherent States (Bosons) ....................... 120 
4.1.2 Coherent States (Fermions) ...................... 123 
4.2 Field Integral for Quantum Partition Function ................ 127 
4.2.1 Partition Function of Non-Interacting Gas .............. 130 
4.2.2 Connection to the Feynman Path Integral .............. 131 
4.2.3 Partition Function of Harmonic Oscillator .............. 132 
4.3 IWeakly Interacting Electron Gas ....................... 133 
4.3.1 Field Theory of Partition Function .................. 135 
4.3.2 Ground State Energy .......................... 140 
4.4 Superconductivity ................................ 141 
4.4.1 Mean-Field Theory of Superconductivity ............... 142 
4.4.2 Superconductivity from the Path Integral ............... 145 
4.4.3 Gap Equation .............................. 148 
4.4.4 ISuperconductivity: Anderson-Higgs Mechanism ........... 150 
4.4.5 Statistical Field Theory: Ferromagnetism Revisited ......... 151 
4.5 INon-equilibrium Statistical Mechanics .................... 154 
4.5.1 Formalism ................................ 156 
4.5.2 Differences from quantum mechanics ................. 157 
4.5.3 Relation to other formalisms ...................... 158 
4.5.4 Branching and annihilating random walks .............. 159 
4.6 Problem Set ................................... 161 
4.6.1 Questions on the Functional Field Integral .............. 161 
4.6.2 Answers ................................. 168 
Relativistic Quantum Mechanics 
Introduction ................................... 173 
Klein-Gordon Equation ............................. 178 
Dirac Equation ................................. 180 
5.3.1 Density and Current .......................... 182 
5.3.2 Relativistic Covariance ......................... 182 
5.3.3 Angular Momentum and Spin ..................... 183 
5.3.4 Parity .................................. 184 
Free Particle Solution of the Dirac Equation ................. 185 
Concepts in Theoretical Physics 
5.4.1 Klein Paradox: Antiparticles ...................... 186 
Canonical Quantisation of Relativistic Field ................. 190 
5.5.1 Scalar Field: Klein-Gordon Equation Revisited ............ 190 
5.5.2 tCharged Scalar Field ......................... 194 
5.5.3 Dirac Field ............................... 195 
Coupling to Electromagnetic Field ....................... 196 
tFunctional Methods in Relativistic Theories ................. 197 
tAttempt at a Synthesis ............................ 199 
5.8.1 Fundamental Particles ......................... 199 
5.8.2 Fundamental Interactions ....................... 201 
5.8.3 Weinberg-Salam Electroweak Theory ................. 205 
5.8.4 Experiment ............................... 207 
5.8.5 Particle Decay .............................. 209 
5.8.6 GUTS, Big Bang, and the Early Universe .............. 213 
Appendix: Elements of Group Theory ..................... 215 
Problem set ................................... 221 
5.10.1 Questions on Relativistic Quantum Mechanics ............ 221 
5.10.2 Answers ................................. 224 
Tripos Questions 229 
6.1 Questions .................................... 229 
6.2 Answers ..................................... 237 

The aim of this course is to provide a self-contained and coherent introduction to the 
basic tools and concepts of quantum (and statistical) field theory including the method of 
second quantisation, the Feynman and Coherent state path integral, as well as including 
an introduction to relativistic quantum mechanics. The course is based fundamentally on 
Importantly, this course is not intended to supplement theoretical courses offered in 
part III mathematics. The lectures will differ substantially both in style as well as content. 
Inevitably, and by design, there will however be substantial overlap with a variety of 
different courses ranging from quantum field theory, to soft condensed matter, and from 
solid state to particle physics. 
Why study quantum field theory? The language of quantum field theory unites 
all branches of physics: the fundamental equations of quantum field theory describe phase 
transitions in the Early Universe equally well as those in magnetic insulators; dynamics 
of quarks as well as fluctuations of cell membranes. Indeed within the same framework 
one can describe equally well both classical and quantum systems. 
Who should attend this course? Broadly speaking, a solid background in el- 
ementary quantum, statistical, and particle mechanics, as well as elementary classical 
electrodynamics will be assumed. But all the material should be accessible to those the- 
oretically inclined. On the mathematical side, a knowledge of Stiirm-Liouville theory, 
Fourier and complex analysis will be essential. As well as providing useful background 
material for major and minor part III options, it is hoped that this course will prove to 
be of general interest in its own right. 
A course synopsis is outline below. Items indicated by a  will be largely used as addi- 
tional source material for problem sets, supervision, and useful background information. 
The italicised items represent particular mathematical concepts which will be explored at 
some length: 

SCATTERING OF ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES Numerical Simulations By Leung Tsang Jin Au Kong Kung-Hau Ding Chi On Ao free download


1 One-Dimensional Layered Media with Permittivity 
Fluctuations 2 
1.1 Continuous Random Medium 2 
1.2 Generation of One-Dimensional Continuous Gaussian Random 
Medium 4 
1.3 Numerical Results and Applications to Antarctica 5 
2 Random Discrete Layering and Applications 8 
References and Additional Readings 12 
BASIC NUMERICAL METHODS ........................... 13 
Integral Equation Formulation for Scattering Problems 14 
Surface Integral Equations 14 
Volume Integral Equations 17 
Dyadic Green's Function Singularity and Electrostatics 19 
Method of Moments 23 
Discrete Dipole Approximation (DDA) 27 
Small Cubes 28 
Radiative Corrections 29 
Other Shapes 31 
Product of Toeplitz Matrix and Column Vector 37 
Discrete Fourier Transform and Convolutions 38 
FFT for Product of Toeplitz Matrix and Column Vector 42 
 5 Conjugate Gradient Method 46 
5.1 Steepest Descent Method 46 
5.2 Real Symmetric Positive Definite Matrix 48 
5.3 General Real Matrix and Complex Matrix 52 
References and Additional Readings 
ROUGH SURFACE .......................................... 61 
1 Dirichlet Boundary Conditions 62 
1.1 Surface Integral Equation 62 
1.2 Floquet's Theorem and Bloch Condition 63 
1.3 2~D Green's Function in 1-D Lattice 64 
1.4 Bistatic Scattering Coecients 67 
2 Dielectric Periodic Surface: T-Matrix Method 68 
2.1 Formulation in Longitudinal Field Components 69 
2.2 Surface Field Integral Equations and Coupled Matrix 
Equations 74 
2.3 Emissivity and Comparison with Experiments 81 
3 Scattering of Waves Obliquely Incident on Periodic 
Rough Surfaces: Integral Equation Approach 85 
3.1 Formulation 85 
3.2 Polarimetric Brightness Temperatures 89 
4 Ewald's Method 93 
4.1 Preliminaries 93 
4.2 3-D Green's Function in 3-D Lattices 98 
4.3 3-D Green's Function in 2-D Lattices 102 
4.4 Numerical Results 105 
References and Additional Readings 110 
i Perfect Electric Conductor (Non-Penetrable Surface) 114 
1.1 Integral Equation 114 
1.2 Matrix Equation: Dirichlet Boundary Condition 
(EFIE for TE Case) 116 
1.3 Tapering of Incident Waves and Calculation of Scattered 
Waves 118 
1.4 Random Rough Surface Generation 124 
1.4.1 Gaussian Rough Surface 124 
1.4.2 Fractal Rough Surface 132 
1.5 Neumann Boundary Condition (MFIE for TM Case) 134 
2 Two-Media Problem 137 
2.1 TE and TM Waves 139 
2.2 Absorptivity Emissivity and Reflectivity 141 
2.3 Impedance Matrix Elements: Numerical Integrations 143 
2.4 Simulation Results 145 
2.4.1 Gaussian Surface and Comparisons with Analytical 
Methods 145 
2.4.2 Dirichlet Case of Gaussian Surface with Ocean 
Spectrum and Factal Surface 150 
2.4.3 Bistatic Scattering for Two Media Problem with Ocean 
Spectrum 151 
3 Topics of Numerical Simulations 154 
3.1 Periodic Boundary Condition 154 
3.2 MFIE for TE Case of PEC 158 
3.3 Impedance Boundary Condition 161 
4 Microwave Emission of Rough Ocean Surfaces 163 
5 Waves Scattering from Real-Life Rough Surface 
Profiles 166 
5.1 Introduction 166 
5.2 Rough Surface Generated by Three Methods 167 
Numerical Results of the Three Methods 
References and Additional Readings 
1 Banded Matrix Canonical Grid Method for 
Two-Dimensional Scattering for PEC Case 179 
1.1 Introduction 179 
1.2 Formulation and Computational Procedure 180 
1.3 Product of a Weak Matrix and a Surface Unknown Column 
Vector 187 
1.4 Convergence and Neighborhood Distance 188 
1.5 Results of Composite Surfaces and Grazing Angle Problems 189 
2 Physics-Based Two-Grid Method for Lossy Dielectric 
Surfaces 196 
2.1 Introduction 196 
2.2 Formulation and Single-Grid Implementation 198 
2.3 Physics-Based Two-Grid Method Combined with Banded 
Matrix Iterative Approach/Canonical Grid Method 200 
2.4 Bistatic Scattering Coefficient and Emissivity 203 
3 Steepest Descent Fast Multipole Method 212 
3.1 Steepest Descent Path for Green's Function 213 
3.2 Multi-Level Impedance Matrix Decomposition and Grouping 216 
3.3 Multi-Level Discretization of Angles and Interpolation 222 
3.4 Steepest Descent Expression of Multi-Level Impedance 
Matrix Elements 226 
3.5 SDFMM Algorithm 235 
3.6 Numerical Results 242 
4 Method of Ordered Multiple Interactions (MOMI) 242 
4.1 Matrix Equations Based on MFIE for TE and TM Waves 
for PEC 242 
  4.2 Iterative Approach 245 
4.3 Numerical Results 247 
5 Physics-Based Two-Grid Method Combined with 
the Multilevel Fast Multipole Method 249 
5.1 Single Grid and PBTG 249 
5.2 Computational Complexity of the Combined Algorithm of 
the PBTG with the MLFMM 252 
5.3 Gaussian Rough Surfaces and CPU Comparison 254 
5.4 Non-Gaussian Surfaces 257 
References and Additional Readings 263 
Scattering by Non-Penetrable Media 270 
Scalar Wave Scattering 270 
1.1.1 Formulation and Numerical Method 270 
1.1.2 Results and Discussion 273 
1.1.3 Convergence of SMFSIA 277 
Electromagnetic Wave Scattering by Perfectly Conducting 
Surfaces 278 
1.2.1 Surface Integral Equation 278 
1.2.2 Surface Integral Equation for Rough Surface Scattering 280 
1.2.3 Computation Methods 281 
1.2.4 Numerical Simulation Results 286 
Integral Equations for Dielectric Surfaces 293 
Electromagnetic Fields with Electric and Magnetic Sources 293 
Physical Problem and Equivalent Exterior and Interior 
Problems 296 
2.2.1 Equivalent Exterior Problem, Equivalent Currents and 
Integral Equations 296 
 2.2.2 Equivalent Interior Problem, Equivalent Currents and 
Integral Equations 298 
Surface Integral Equations ff)r Equivalent Surface Currents, 
Tangential and Normal Components of Fields 300 
Two-Dimensional Rough Dielectric Surfaces with 
Sparse Matrix Canonical Grid Method 304 
Integral Equation and SMCG Method 304 
Numerical Results of Bistatic Scattering Coefficient 318 
Scattering by Lossy Dielectric Surfaces with PBTG 
Method 326 
Introduction 326 
Formulation and Single Grid Implementation 328 
Physics-Based Two-Grid Method 329 
Numerical Results and Comparison with Second Order 
Perturbation Method 334 
Numerical Simulations of Emissivity of Soils with Rough 
Surfaces at Microwave Frequencies 343 
Four Stokes Parameters Based on Tangential Surface 
Fields 350 
Parallel Implementation of SMCG on Low Cost 
Beowulf System 354 
Introduction 354 
Low-Cost Beowulf Cluster 355 
Parallel Implementation of the SMCG Method and the PBTG 
Method 356 
Numerical Results 360 
References and Additional Readings 366 
Combining Simulations of Collective Volume 
Scattering Effects with Radiative Transfer Theory 
 2 Foldy-Lax Self-Consistent Multiple Scattering 
Equations 376 
2.1 Final Exciting Field and Multiple Scattering Equation 376 
2.2 Foldy-Lax Equations for Point Scatterers 379 
2.3 The N-Particle Scattering Amplitude 382 
3 Analytical Solutions of Point Scatterers 382 
3.1 Phase Function and Extinction Coefficient for Uniformly 
Distributed Point Scatterers 382 
3.2 Scattering by Collection of Clusters 389 
4 Monte Carlo Simulation Results of Point Scatterers 392 
References and Additional Readings 401 
Pair Distribution Functions and Structure Factors 404 
Introduction 404 
Percus Yevick Equation and Pair Distribution Function for 
Hard Spheres 406 
Calculation of Structure Factor and Pair Distribution 
Function 409 
Percus-Yevick Pair Distribution Functions for 
Multiple Sizes 411 
Monte Carlo Simulations of Particle Positions 414 
Metropolis Monte Carlo Technique 415 
Sequential Addition Method 418 
Numerical Results 418 
Sticky Particles 424 
Percus Yevick Pair Distribution Function for Sticky Spheres 424 
Pair Distribution Function of Adhesive Sphere Mixture 429 
Monte Carlo Simulation of Adhesive Spheres 434
 5 Particle Placement Algorithm for Spheroids 444 
5.1 Contact Functions of Two Ellipsoids 445 
5.2 Illustrations of Contact Functions 446 
References and Additional Readings 450 
1 Introduction 454 
1.1 Extinction as a Function of Concentration 454 
1.2 Extinction as a Function of Frequency 456 
2 Random Positions of Cylinders 458 
2.1 Monte Carlo Simulations of Positions of Hard Cylinders 458 
2.2 Simulations of Pair Distribution Functions 460 
2.3 Percus Yevick Approximation of Pair Distribution Functions 461 
2.4 Results of Simulations 463 
2.5 Monte Carlo Simulations of Sticky Disks 463 
3 Monte Carlo Simulations of Scattering by Cylinders 469 
3.1 Scattering by a Single Cylinder 469 
3.2 Foldy-Lax Multiple Scattering Equations for Cylinders 476 
3.3 Coherent Field, Incoherent Field, and Scattering Coefficient 480 
3.4 Scattered Field and Internal Field Formulations 481 
3.5 Low Frequency Formulas 482 
3.6 Independent Scattering 484 
3.7 Simulation Results for Sticky and Non-Sticky Cylinders 485 
4 Sparse-Matrix Canonical-Grid Method for Scattering 
by Many Cylinders 486 
4.1 Introduction 486 
4.2 The Two-Dimensional Scattering Problem of Many Dielectric 
Cylinders 489 
4.3 Numerical Results of Scattering and CPU Comparisons 490 
References and Additional Readings 493 
SIMULATIONS ............................................. 495 
1 Introduction 496 
2 Simple Analytical Models For Scattering From a 
Dense Medium 496 
2.1 Effective Permittivity 496 
2.2 Scattering Attenuation and Coherent Propagation Constant 500 
2.3 Coherent Reflection and Incoherent Scattering From a 
Half-Space of Scatterers 505 
2.4 A Simple Dense Media Radiative Transfer Theory 510 
3 Simulations Using Volume Integral Equations 512 
3.1 Volume Integral Equation 512 
3.2 Simulation of Densely Packed Dielectric Spheres 514 
3.3 Densely Packed Spheroids 518 
4 Numerical Simulations Using T-Matrix Formalism 533 
4.1 Multiple Scattering Equations 533 
4.2 Computational Considerations 541 
4.3 Results and Comparisons with Analytic Theory 545 
4.4 Simulation of Absorption Coefficient 547 
References and Additional Readings 548 
DETECTION OF BURIED OBJECT ........................ 551 
i Introduction 552 
2 Two-Dimensional Simulations of Angular Memory 
Effect and Detection of Buried Object 553 
2.1 Introduction 553 
2.2 Simple and General Derivation of Memory Effect 553 
2.3 ACF of Random Rough Surfaces with Different Averaging 
Methods 555 
Scattering by a Buried Object Under a Rough Surface 557 
Angular Correlation Function of Scattering by a 
Buried Object Under a 2-D Random Rough Surface 
(3-D Scattering) 564 
Introduction 564 
Formulation of Integral Equations 565 
Statistics of Scattered Fields 570 
Numerical Illustrations of ACF and PACF 571 
Angular Correlation Function Applied to Correlation 
Imaging in Target Detection 575 
Introduction 575 
Formulation of Imaging 578 
Simulations of SAR Data and ACF Processing 580 
References and Additional Readings 591 
PRESENCE OF BOUNDARIES ............................. 593 
1 Introduction 594 
2 Scattering by Dielectric Cylinders Above a Dielectric 
Half-Space 594 
2.1 Scattering from a Layer of Vertical Cylinders: First-Order 
Solution 594 
2.2 First- and Second-Order Solutions 603 
2.3 Results of Monte Carlo Simulations 613 
3 Scattering by Cylinders in the Presence of Two 
Reflective Boundaries 622 
3.1 Vector Cylindrical Wave Expansion of Dyadic Green's 
Function Between Two Perfect Conductors 622 
3.2 Dyadic Green's Function of a Cylindrical Scatterer Between 
Two PEC 629 
3.3 Dyadic Green's Function with Multiple Cylinders 631 
3.4.1 First Order Solution 
3.4.2 Numerical Results 
References and Additional Readings 
VEGETATION ....................................... : ...... 641 
1 Introduction 642 
2 Plant Modeling by Using L-Systems 644 
2.1 Lindenmayer Systems 644 
2.2 Turtle Interpretation of L-Systems 646 
2.3 Computer Simulations of Stochastic L-Systems and Input 
Files 649 
3 Scattering from Trees Generated by L-Systems 
Based on Coherent Addition Approximation 654 
3.1 Single Scattering by a Particle in the Presence of Reflective 
Boundary 655 
3.1.1 Electric Field and Dyadic Green's Function 655 
3.1.2 Scattering by a Single Particle 656 
3.2 Scattering by Trees 659 
4 Coherent Addition Approximation with Attenuation 667 
5 Scattering from Plants Generated by L-Systems 
Based on Discrete Dipole Approximation 669 
5.1 Formulation of Discrete Dipole Approximation (DDA) 
Method 670 
5.2 Scattering by Simple Trees 672 
5.3 Scattering by Honda Trees 677 
6 Rice Canopy Scattering Model 685 
6.1 Model Description 685 
6.2 Model Simulation 689 
References and Additional Readings 691 
INDEX ...................................................... 693 
Electromagnetic wave scattering is an active, interdisciplinary area of 
research with myriad practical applications in fields ranging from atomic 
physics to medical imaging to geoscience and remote sensing. In particular, 
the subject of wave scattering by random discrete scatterers and rough sur- 
faces presents great theoretical challenges due to the large degrees of freedom 
in these systems and the need to include multiple scattering effects accu- 
rately. In the past three decades, considerable theoretical progress has been 
made in elucidating and understanding the scattering processes involved in 
such problems. Diagrammatic techniques and effective medium theories re- 
main essential for analytical studies; however, rapid advances in computer 
technology have opened new doors for researchers with the full power of 
Monte Carlo simulations in the numerical analysis of random media scatter- 
ing. Numerical simulations allow us to solve the Maxwell equations exactly 
without the limitations of analytical approximations, whose regimes of va- 
lidity are often difficult to assess. Thus it is our aim to present in these three 
volumes a balanced picture of both theoretical and numerical methods that 
are commonly used for tackling electromagnetic wave scattering problems. 
While our book places an emphasis on remote sensing applications, the ma- 
terials covered here should be useful for students and researchers from a 
variety of backgrounds as in, for example, composite materials, photonic de- 
vices, optical thin films, lasers, optical tomography, and X-ray lithography. 
Introductory chapters and sections are also added so that the materials can 
be readily understood by graduate students. We hope that our book would 
help stimulate new ideas and innovative approaches to electromagnetic wave 
scattering in the years to come. 
The increasingly important role of numerical simulations in solving elec- 
tromagnetic wave scattering problems has motivated us to host a companion 
web site that contains computer codes on topics relevant to the book. These 
computer codes are written in the MATLAB programming language and 
are available for download from our web site at www. erawave. corn. They are 
provided to serve two main purposes. The first is to supply our readers a 
hands-on laboratory for performing numerical experiments, through which 
the concepts in the book can be more dynamically relayed. The second is 
to give new researchers a set of basic tools with which they could quickly 
build on projects of their own. The fluid nature of the web site would also 
allow us to regularly update the contents and keep pace with new research 
The present volume covers numerical simulation techniques and results 
for electromagnetic wave scattering in random media and rough surfaces. 
Due to the large degree of freedom associated with these systems, especially 
for 3-D scattering problems, fast computational methods are essential for 
maximizing returns from limited computational resources. Indeed, the sub- 
ject of numerical electromagnetics has seen explosive growth in recent years. 
For lack of space, we choose to focus here on methods and techniques which 
are more directly related to our own research. 
We begin in Chapter 1 with Monte Carlo simulations of a simple one- 
dimensional random medium -- a layered medium characterized by permit- 
tivity fluctuations. Simulation results are used to explain passive remote 
sensing measurements of the Antarctic firm For two- and three-dimensional 
scattering, it is advantageous to formulate the problem in terms of surface 
integral equations where the unknowns are confined to a lower dimension- 
ality. Numerical solutions of surface integral equations are often obtained 
through the method of moments (MoM). We also discuss a useful technique 
known as the discrete dipole approximation (DDA) for solving volume inte- 
gral equation. The DDA can be used to model inhomogeneous, irregularily 
shaped object by discretizing it as a collection of point dipoles. In MoM and 
DDA, numerical solutions are obtained by approximating the integral equa- 
tions with a set of linear equations. Thus matrix computation is an essential 
aspect of numerical electromagnetics. When the size of the system becomes 
very large, direct matrix inversion becomes inefficient, and iterative meth- 
ods such as the conjugate gradient methods are often used instead. Iterative 
methods usually require repeated computations of matrix-vector multiplica- 
tion, and for problems with translational invariance, it is possible to utilize 
fast Fourier transform (FFT) to speed up this operation. The use of FFT 
in conjunction with iterative solvers is the cornerstone of fast computational 
methods introduced later in this book. Therefore we discuss these topics at 
some length in Chapter 2. 
The remainder of the book is divided into two main parts. Chapters 3 6 
deal with simulations of rough surface scattering, while volume scattering 
simulations involving random discrete scatterers are studied in Chapters 7 
13 (except Chapter 11 --which contains aspects of both rough surface and 
volume scattering). The topic of electromagnetic wave interactions with 
rough surfaces has important applications in microwave remote sensing of 
ocean surface, geophysical terrain, and agricultural fields as well as in the de- 
sign and manufacturing of optical systems and X-ray lithography. In Chap- 
ter 3, we discuss scattering and emission by periodic rough surfaces. Two 
solution methods are used to solve this problem. The first is the T-matrix 
method, which makes use of Floquet mode expansions and the extended 
boundary conditiou. The T-matrix formulation is exact, but the resulting 
equations become ill-conditioned when the surface is very rough. The sec- 
ond method uses a surface integral equation approach with MoM. Although 
computationally more intensive than the T-matrix method, the surface inte- 
gral equation approach is applicable to surfaces with deep corrugation. We 
also describe Ewald's method for speeding up calculations of the Green's 
function in periodic medium. This has applications in active research areas 
such as frequency selective surfaces and photonic bandgap materials. 
In Chapter 4, we discuss one-dimensional random rough surface scat- 
tering. The core ideas behind rough surface scattering simulations are in- 
troduced here. We describe in details the discretization procedure for the 
surface integral equations in the Dirichlet, Neumann, and two-media prob- 
lems. Numerical methods for generating Gaussian and fractal rough surface 
profiles are described. The issue of truncating the rough surface and limiting 
the computational domain is also an important one. We discuss two popular 
approaches. The first approach uses a tapered incident wave that illumi- 
nates only a part of the entire rough surface, while the second approach uses 
a periodic boundary condition. As described in Volume I, random rough 
surfaces are often characterized by their power spectra. This is convenient 
for theoretical work, but how well does it model reality? We include discus- 
sion of wave scattering from real-life rough surface profiles. In addition to 
simulating bistatic scattering from rough surfaces, we also take an in-depth 
look at emissivity calculations based on rough surface simulations, which 
impose much more stringent energy conservation requirement. 
Chapters 5 and 6 are devoted respectively to fast computational meth- 
ods in 1-D and 2-D rough surface scattering simulations. The development 
of fast computational methods is particularly important in scattering by 
2-D rough surfaces (3-D scattering problem) where the number of unknowns 
can quickly escalate as we increase the surface size. Since real-life surfaces 
are 2-D, we emphasize in this book fast computational methods that can 
be applied to scattering by both 1-D and 2-D rough surfaces. We introduce 
the sparse matrix iterative approach with canonical grid (SMCG). In this 
method, the impedance matrix is split into a strong part that consists of 
near-neighbor interactions and a weak part that consists of all the rest. An 
iterative scheme such as the conjugate gradient method is adopted to solve 
the matrix equation. The strong matrix is sparse and can be easily handled. 
However, the weak interactions require the multiplication of the dense weak 
matrix with successive iterates and could therefore present a major compu- 
tational bottleneck. To speed up such calculations, the concept of canonical 
grid (CG) is introduced. The essential nature of CG is that it is translation- 
ally invariant. In rough surface scattering problems, the CG is usually taken 
to be the mean flat surface. By translating the unknowns to the CG the 
weak interactions can be performed simultaneously for all unknowns using 
FFT. This reduces memory requirements from O(JV 2) to O(JV) and opera- 
tion counts from O(N 2) to O(N log N). We also introduce the physics-based 
two-grid (PBTG) method for dealing with lossy dielectric surfaces. In this 
method, a dense grid suitable for the lower half-space and a coarse grid 
suitable for the upper half-space are chosen. By taking advantage of the 
attenuative nature of the Green's function in the lower half-space and the 
slowly varying nature of the Green's function in the upper half-space with 
respect to the dense grid, one can achieve the accuracy of a single dense grid 
with the computational eiciency of a single coarse grid. Other fast methods 
discussed and illustrated in Chapter 5 include the steepest descent fast mul- 
tipoles method (SDFMM) and the method of ordered multiple interactions 
In contrast to rough surface scattering, volume scattering involving 
dense distributions of discrete scatterers is often a full-fledged 3-D scat- 
tering problem. The additional degree of freedom makes direct simulations 
of scattering coeicients rather diicult. Radiative transfer theory is com- 
monly used for such problems, but the conventional approach fails to take 
into account of coherent multiple interactions between the scatterers. A 
better approach is to perform the scattering simulations on a test volume 
that contains a large number of scatterers but forms only a small part of 
the whole system. Coherent interactions are captured through the simu- 
lated extinction coeicients and phase functions, which can then be used 
in the dense medium radiative transfer equation (rigorously derived in Vol- 
ume III) to solve the large-scale problem. These concepts are discussed in 
Chapter 7, where idealized randomly distributed point scatterers are used to 
illustrate the methods. The multiple scattering problem is formulated using 
the Foldy-Lax self-consistent equations. 
In a dense medium, the correlation of scatterer positions could signifi- 
cantly affect the scattering results. The pair-distribution function quantifies 
the two-particle correlation property of the scatterers. In Chapter 8, we 
introduce the Percus-Yevick equation for the pair-distribution function and 
give closed-form solutions for hard and sticky spheres. For Monte Carlo sim- 
ulations, statistical realizations of scatterer configurations are needed. Two 
methods are commonly employed to generate the particle positions: sequen- 
tial addition and Metropolis shuffling, the latter method being more efficient 
when the particles are very closely packed. We show simulation results of the 
pair distribution functions for hard spheres and spheroids as well as sticky 
spheres. The simulated pair distribution functions are found to compare 
well with the Percus-Yevick pair distribution functions. Before dealing with 
3-D dense media scattering, it is instructional to first study, in Chapter 9, 
the simpler problem of 2-D dense media scattering, where the volume scat- 
terers are chosen to be infinitely long cylinders. We describe analytical pair 
distribution function and Monte Carlo simulations of particle positions in 
the 2-D case. The Foldy-Lax multiple scattering equations are then used to 
simulate extinction coefficients for densely packed hard and sticky cylinders. 
Finally, the SMCG method used in rough surface scattering is generalized 
to the volume scattering simulations. In Chapter 10, we perform 3-D dense 
media scattering calculations with dielectric spheres and spheroids. The 
volume integral equation approach as well as the T-matrix approach based 
on the Foldy-Lax equations are described in details. Simulation results for 
the extinction coefficients and phase matrices are shown and compared with 
analytical approximations. 
In Chapter ll, we describe the novel correlation phenomenon in random 
media scattering known as the memory effect, which manifests itself in wave 
scattering through the angular correlation function (ACF). ACF has been 
discussed in Chapter 6 of Volume I in the context of single scattering by 
point scatterers. Here, we provide a general derivation of the memory effect 
based on the statistical translational invariance of the random medium. The 
special property of ACF for random medium makes it a good candidate for 
the detection of a target embedded in random clutter. We explore such ideas 
by studying targets buried under rough surface and volume scatterers. 
The subject of multiple scattering by finite cylinders has important ap- 
plications in the remote sensing of vegetation as well as signal coupling 
among multiple vias in high frequency circuits. In Chapter 12, we con- 
sider scattering by vertical cylinders in the presence of reflective boundaries, 
which introduce additional complications. We discuss Monte Carlo simu- 
lations of these systems as well as simple analytical results that take into 
account of first and second order scattering. In Chapter 13, more realistic 
modeling of vegetation structures through stochastic Lindenmayer systems 
are presented. We compare scattering results from such systems obtained 
using the methods of DDA, the coherent addition approximation, and inde- 
pendent scattering. 
This book should provide a good mix of basic principles and current 
research topics. An introductory course in Monte Carlo simulations can 
cover most of Chapters 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, and 9. 
We would like to acknowledge the collaboration with our colleagues and grad- 
uate students. In particular, we wish to thank Professor Chi Chan of City 
University of Hong Kong, Professor Joel T. Johnson of Ohio State University, 
Dr. Robert T. Shin of MIT Lincoln Laboratory, and Dr. Dale Winebrenner 
of University of Washington. The graduate students who completed their 
Ph.D. theses from the University of Vashington on random media scatter- 
ing include Boheng Wen (1989), Kung-Hau Ding (1989), Shu-Hsiang Lou 
(1991), Charles E. Mandt (1992), Richard D. West (1994), Zhengxiao Chen 
(1994), Lisa M. Zurk (1995), Kyung Pak (1996), Guifu Zhang (1998), and 
Qin Li (2000). Much of their dissertation works are included in this book. 
Financial supports from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Army 
Research Office, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, National 
Science Foundation, Office of Naval Research, and Schlumberger-Doll Re- 
search Center for research materials included in this book are gratefully 
acknowledged. We also want to acknowledge the current UW graduate stu- 
dents who have helped to develop the numerical codes used throughout this 
book. These include Chi-Te Chen, Houfei Chen, Jianjun Guo, Chung-Chi 
Huang, and Lin Zhou. Special thanks are also due to Tomasz Grzegorczyk 
for proofreading on parts of the manuscript and Bae-Ian Wu for production 
Leung Tsang 
Seattle, Washington 
Jin Au Kong 
Cambridge, Massachusetts 
Kung-Hau Ding 
Hanscorn AFB, Massachusetts 
Chi On Ao 
Cambridge, Massachusetts 
February 2001